A distanza di ben due anni compare un nuovo video che ci riporta nel mondo AGM Heartland.
Si trattà di una società che realizza creature geneticamente modificate e da tempo immemorabile il buon Neill Blomkamp ci regala piccoli video in cui si vedono cadaveri di mostriciattoli.
Questa volta il video è stato inviato a /Film con il seguente messaggio (originariamente in portoghese).
This was discovered to sixteen weeks ago on a camera phone that was found in a plastic bag with zipper. It was discovered in the Amazon River, near Santarém. Brazilian officials have not released any information about the phone owner. However, widely believed to be the phone of a Sarah Malina, a native of Torrance, California. Ms. Malina headlines when she disappeared was during his work with Doctors without borders in the area Oriximina at the end of last month. Two weeks after the first reports of her disappearance, she was discovered by a local worker of a factory of wood nearby. She was found unconscious and remained in a coma ever since. His family has not confirmed that the phone was hers, and the only image seems to be a video of an amphibious creature dead. These images are now starting to appear online.
Due anni fa avevo ipotizzato che si trattasse del virale per Elysium e la cosa non è da escludere ancora oggi visto che il film è ancora lontano dall’uscita.
Se invece avete altre idee sono ovviamente tutte ben accette e fatevi sotto.
In ogni caso il video è questo